Most Common Female Health Tips in Urdu

It is important to have a plan when it comes to your health. The best way to start your healthy routine is by setting a schedule and developing good habits.Sipahis and mullahs use these health tips to promote their ideology on different social and political platforms. The aim is to convince the people of their … Read more

Never let your kids avoid nutritious food!

But if every mom and dad had to go through them, who would have time to cook and prepare food? Thankfully, there are now a number of powerful ways that parents can safely monitor their kids’ diet.Fortunately, sophisticated software is now available that allows parents to create a graph of their child’s nutritional intake over … Read more

Emergency health threat detection and assessment

We humans only have a limited capacity to recognize and prevent risk. We need both data and technology to identify, monitor, alert, and control potential threats that would otherwise take a single member of our society off guard. However, our goal is to be able to use this data and technology to create new, if … Read more

Strengthening the food safety system

The area of food safety in restaurant management has been the main subject of investigation in the kitchen since the dawn of the century. The food safety systems today are definitely not the same as they were in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. However, the same broad phenomenon has been noted in the … Read more

Expanding Basic Early Neonatal Care

Introduction Early Neonatal Care has emerged as an emerging field in the third of the 21st Century. Several countries have opted to commit huge capital, manpower, and resources to attaining this goal. Exemplary research and interventions are being conducted to meet this goal (Cairns & Banks 2009, p. 169). Early Neonatal Care encompasses increasing newborn … Read more

7 health tips for 2022

 Make your plan ahead of time I love the schedule saver idea from Sylvie, but I think you can have too much planning. It’s way too easy to end up sleeping in a day, missing meetings, and quickly go through your phone until you realize you have several plans. Instead, plan how to spend a … Read more